Website Terms & Conditions


Effective from 25th December, 2014
The conclusion of the agreement between the Buyer and the Seller may take place in two ways.
The Buyer has right to negotiate with the Seller all the provisions of the agreement before placing an order, including those changing the provisions of this regulation. The negotiations should be conducted in written form and directed at the Seller’s address. In case of the Buyer’s resignation of the possibility of concluding an agreement in matters of individual negotiations, the following regulation and appropriate laws are applicable.


§1 Definitions

1. The postal address – name and surname or a name of an institution, the situation in a location (in case of a location divided into streets: the street, building number, number of flat or premises; in case of locations not divided into streets: name of the town and number of estate), postal code and town.
2. Complaint address VORONET, ul. Kasztanowa 5, 62-070 Dąbrówka, Poland
3. Delivery price list – list of all available types of delivery and their costs available on the website http://voronet.pl
4. Contact data
VORONET Ilona Szukała 
ul. Kasztanowa 5
62-070 Dąbrówka
e-mail: bok@voronet.pl
phone: (+48) 512 768 464
5. Delivery – type of transport service with an indication of a carrier and a cost mentioned in the delivery price list available on the website http://voronet.pl
6. Proof of purchase – invoice or receipt issued according to the Act on the tax on goods and services of 11th March 2004 with further amendments and other applicable laws.
7. Product card – single subpage of the shop including all the information about a single product.
8. Customer – adult natural person having a full ability to perform legal actions, legal person or organizational unit without a legal personality but with the ability to perform legal actions, purchasing from the Seller and connected directly to its economic or professional activity.
9. Civil code – act of the civil code of 23rd April 1964 with further amendments.
10. Code of good practice – collection of rules, especially ethical and professional norms, referred to in art. 2 point 5 of the Act on response to unfair trading practice of 23rd August 2007 with further amendments.
11. Consumer – adult natural person having a full ability to perform legal actions purchasing from the Seller and connected directly to its economic or professional activity.
12. Cart – list of products made of the products offered in shop based on the Customer’s choice.
13. Buyer – both Consumer and Customer.
14. Place of goods release – postal address or a reception point indicated in the order by the Buyer.
15. Time of goods release – the time when the Buyer or a third party indicated by him, takes possession of goods.
16. Payment – method of payment for the subject of agreement and deliverylisted on the website http://voronet.pl
17. Consumer law – act on consumer laws of 30th May 2014.
18. Product – minimal and indivisible amount of goods which can be a subject of the order and is indicated in the Seller’s shop as a unit of measurement with indication of its price (price/unit).
19. Subject of the agreement – products and delivery being the subject of agreement.
20. Subject of service – subject of agreement.
21. Point of reception – place of releasing the goods which is not a postal address indicated in the list made available by the Seller in the shop.
22. Goods – mobile goods which can be or are a subject of agreement.
23. Shop – Internet service http://voronet.pl on which the Buyer can place the order.
24. Seller
VORONET Ilona Szukała 
ul. Kasztanowa 5
62-069 Dąbrówka
e-mail: bok@voronet.pl
phone: (+48) 512 768 464 (9 am to 8 pm Monday-Friday, 9 am – 2 pm Saturday),
NIP 9720593375, REGON 302703044, GIODO 1713/2015
Registered in CEIDG and availabe on the website https://prod.ceidg.gov.pl
Bank account: mBank PL 50 1140 2004 0000 3102 7517 0081 (BIC/SWIFT BREXPLPWMBK)
25. System – a set of collaborating IT devices and software which process and stores as well as send and receive data through the telecommunication networks with the help of a terminal equipment appropriate to the type of network, commonly known as the Internet.
26. Period of implementation – number of hours or working days indicated on the product card.
27. Agreement – agreement concluded outside the entrepreneur’s headquarters or at distance according to the Act on consumer’s rights of 30th May 2014 in case of Consumers and the sales agreement according to art. 535 of the civil code Act of 23rd April 1964 in case of Buyers.
28. Defect – both physical defect and legal defect.
29. Physical defect – incompatibility of the sold goods with the agreement, especially if the goods:
a. don’t have properties which goods of that kind should have on account of the aim specified in the agreement or resulting from the circumstances or destination;
b. don’t have the properties about which the Consumer was reassured by the Seller;
c. are not suitable for the purpose, about which the Seller was informed by the Consumer while concluding an agreement and the Seller didn’t raise any objections concerning such destination;
d. were only partially released to the Consumer;
e. don’t have the properties assured by the manufacturer or his representative or a person who placed the thing on the market in the area of own business operation unless the Seller didn’t know about those reassurances or, judging reasonably, couldn’t know or they could not have influence on the Consumer’s decision on concluding the agreement or when their content was corrected before concluding an agreement.
30. Legal defect – a situation in which the sold goods are a possession of the third party or are encumbered with third party rights as well as limitation in using or managing the goods result from decision of the competent body.
31. Order – declaration of will of the Buyer submitted in the shop determining clearly: type and quantity of the products; type of delivery; type of payment; place of releasing the goods, data of the Buyer which have scope of concluding an agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.

§2 General conditions

1. The agreement is concluded according to the Polish law and this regulation.
2. The place of releasing goods must be located on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
3. The Seller is committed and commits himself to provide services and deliver the goods free from defects.
4. All the prices indicated by the Seller are the gross prices (they include VAT tax). The prices of products do not include the cost of delivery determined in the delivery price list
5. All the periods are counted according to art. 111 of the Civil Code so the period counted in days ends with the end of the last day and if the beginning of the period counted in days is a certain event it is not considered in calculating the period on the day when the event occurred.
6. Confirmation, release, fixation, securing all the key provisions of the agreement in order to get access to those information in the future has the form of:
a. order confirmation through sending on the indicated address: order, information about the right of withdrawal, this regulation in pdf version, model of withdrawal form in PDF version, links to individual downloading of the regulation and the model of the withdrawal;
b. the realized order sent to the appropriate place of releasing goods must be joined with the printed: proof of purchase, information about the withdrawal right, this regulation, model of withdrawal form.
7. The Seller informs about the warranties known to him that are granted by the third party for the products located in the shop.
8. The Seller does not charge fees for the Communication with him with the use of distance communication means and the Buyer bears its costs in the amount according to the agreement concluded with the third party providing a particular service enabling the distance communication.
9. The Seller ensures to the Buyer using the system the correct working of the shop in the following browsers: IE version 7 or newer, Firefox version 3 or newer, Opera version 9 or newer, Chrome version 10 or newer, Safari with the newest versions of JAVA and FLASH installed, on the screens with the horizontal definition above 1024 px. Using the software of the third companies having influence on functionality of the browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari may influence the correct display of the shop that is why in order to get full functionality of the shop http://www.voronet.pl all of them must be switched off.
10. The Buyer may use the option of remembering his data by the shop in order to make the process of placing another order easier. To achieve that, the Buyer should provide login and password necessary to get access do his account. Login and password are a sequence of symbols determined by the Buyer who is obliged to keep them secret and protect them from unauthorized access of the third parties. The Buyer has the possibility to look, correct, update data and delete an account in the shop at any time.
11. The Seller applies to the code of good practices.

§3 Concluding the agreement and implementation

1. The orders can be placed 24 hours a day.
2. In order to place an order, the Buyer should perform at least the following activities, part of which can be repeated many times:
a. adding product to the cart;
b. choice of the type of delivery;
c. choice of the type of payment;
d. choice of the place of releasing goods;
e. placing order in the shop by clicking on “I order with the payment requirement”.
3. Concluding an agreement with the Consumer takes place at the moment of placing an order.
4. Implementation of the Consumer’sorder paid on delivery is immediate, but the orders paid by transfer or by the system of electronic payments are done after the booking of the Consumer’s payment on the Seller’s account which should be done in 30 days after placing an order unless the Consumer was not able to fulfill the provision due to extraordinary circumstances and he informed the Seller about it.
5. Concluding the agreement with the Customer begins at the moment of receiving an order by the Seller about which he will inform the Customer up to 48 hours from placing an order.
6. Implementation of the Customer’sorder paid on delivery is immediate after concluding an agreement and the orders paid by transfer or by the system of electronic payments are done after the booking of the Consumer’s payment on the Seller’s account.
7. The implementation of the Customer’s order may depend on making the payment of full or partial order value of the order or the Seller’s permission to send the orders on delivery (paid at reception).
8. Sending the subject of the agreement takes place in term determined in the product card and for the orders consisting of many products in the longest period determined in the product cards. The beginning of the term is the moment of implementation of the order.
9. The purchased subject of the agreement is sent together with the chosen by the Buyer sales document by the chosen by the Buyer type of delivery to the place of releasing goods indicated by the Buyer in the order, together with the added attachments referred to in art. 2 point 6b.

§4 Right of withdrawal

1. The Consumer has right, based on art. 27 of the Consumer Law, of withdrawal for the agreement concluded at distance without providing reason and without bearing any costs excluding costs indicated in art. 33, art. 34 of the Consumer Law.
2. The period of withdrawal for the agreement concluded at distance is 14 days from the moment of releasing the goods and in order to respect the period it is enough to send a declaration before its termination.
3. The declaration of withdrawal can be submitted by the Consumer in the form the model of which is an attachment no. 2 to the Consumer Law, in the form placed under this agreement or in other form according to the Consumer Law.
4. The Seller will immediately confirm to the Consumer via email (indicated while concluding the agreement and other if such was indicated in the submitted declaration) the reception of the declaration of withdrawal.
5. In case of withdrawal, the agreement is regarded as not concluded.
6. The Consumer is obliged to return the goods to the Seller immediately however not later than 14 days from the day of withdrawal. In order to respect the period it is enough to send back the goods before its termination.
7. The Consumer sends back goods being the subject of the agreement from which he withdrew on his own cost and risk.
8. The Consumer bears responsibility for the decrease of the value of goods being the subject of the agreement and being the result of using them in a way exceeding the necessary for recognizing their character, properties and functioning.
10. The Seller will immediately, however not later than in 14 days from receiving a declaration of withdrawal submitted by the Customer, return back to the Consumer all the finalized payments, including costs of delivery, and if the Consumer chooses the type of delivery other than the cheapest ordinary type of delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller will not return to the Customer the additional costs according to art. 33 of the Consumer Law.
11. The Seller performs the return of payment using the same method of payment as the Consumer unless the Consumer clearly agreed on other method of payment which is not connected to any additional costs.
12. The Seller may withhold the return of payment received from the Consumer until the reception of the goods back or delivering a proof of their shipping by the Consumer depending on which takes place earlier.

§5 Privacy policy and the safety of personal data

1. The administrator of the database of the Consumers of the shop is the Seller.
2. The Seller provides, that the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). The Buyer giving his personal data during placing an order to the Seller agrees on processing them by the Seller in order to implement the order. The Buyer has right to look, correct, update and delete his personal data at any time.
3. The detailed rules of collecting, processing and storing personal data used in scope of implementing the orders by the shop are described in Privacy policy available on the website http://voronet.pl

§6 Final provisions

1. None of the provisions of this regulation has scope of infringing the Buyer’s right. It cannot be also interpreted in this way because in case of incompliance of any part of the regulation with the applying law the Seller declares the absolute subordination and appliance of this right in place of the questioned provision of the regulation.
2. The registered Buyers will be informed about the changes in the regulation and their extent by electronic means (on the email address indicated in registration or order). The notification will be sent at least 30 days before entering into force of the new regulation. The changes will be introduced in order to adjust the regulation to the applying legal state.
3. The current version of the regulation is always available to the Buyer in the regulation tab. Available on the website http://voronet.pl During order implementation as well as in the period of after sale protection period the Buyer is the subject of the regulation accepted by him while placing an order. Excluding the situation when the Consumer regards it as less favorable than the current one and informs the Seller about the choice of the current one as the one applying.
4. For matters not covered by this regulation the existing legal provisions are regarded as those applying. The disputes, if the Consumer express such will, are resolved through mediation proceedings at Voivodeship Inspectorates of Trade Inspection or a trial at the arbitral tribunal at the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Trade Inspection or through equivalent and compatible with law methods of pretrial or out-of-court resolving disputes indicated by the Consumer. As the last resort, the case is settled by an appropriate competent court.

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